Moose Jaw Band & Choral Festival
Registration Opens Oct. 15, 2024
Hello and welcome to all past, present, and future directors who choose the Moose Jaw Band and Choral Festival as an educational opportunity for their musical students.
As a festival, we offer a one hour session with two talented and experienced clinicians who provide feedback as part of a positive, noncompetitive event. The festival also provides performance opportunities for your group, and concerts that your entire group will enjoy.
As a community, downtown Moose Jaw also offers a number of unique experiences for your students to enjoy: the Tunnels, Sukanen Ship Museum, and the Spa to name just a few.
NOTE: Day & time preferences are assigned on a first come, first served basis - so be sure to register early - and to pay by the payment deadline - to secure your preferred spot. Venue preferences are generally rotated, but are also at the discretion of the festival organizers and determined by group size. Payment in full is required no later than January 31, 2025.
Discounted Rates: Current SBA Professional or Organization level members and current SCF members are eligible for discounted rates for their groups. SBA members must log in to access the discount. SCF members will need to register at the regular/full rate but their amount owing will be adjusted once SCF membership is confirmed. Please note: membership must be current at the time of registration and at the time of the Festival.
Payment Options: When registering, payment can be made by Credit Card immediately at the time of registration or by following the link provided on your event invoice email. All credit card processing is managed by the SBA to assist Festival organizers.
Alternate payment options (etransfer, electronic funds transfers and cheques) are all made directly to the Festival organizers. Simply complete the registration without making a payment and you will receive an email with further directions. Regardless of the payment option selected, payment in full is required no later than January 31st.
Consider making us a part of your annual plans by putting us in your calendar the week prior to the May long weekend, Monday through Thursday.
Going strong for over 70 years, this festival is where all the cool kids are!