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SBA Band Camps are successful because of the care, support and dedication of many individuals, community groups and organizations.
Sask Lotteries, SaskCulture, NAC and many others have helped to make the summer a success for Saskatchewan youth who love band.
Thank you to the wonderful facilities that host our yearly camps. The SBA simply cannot thank the University of Saskatchewan - and the School for the Arts staff members - enough for their ongoing support and encouragement of our program and young musicians! We are incredibly fortunate to have access to such first rate facilities that allow our camps to run smoothly.
THANK YOU, we greatly appreciate all of the support!
Everyday, the Rec leaders provided an activity that gave campers from playing their instruments and reading sheet music! They played Tug of war, Relay races, Potato sack races, Giant soccer, drawing and colouring. Our faculty got to put on a concert for the participants with pieces varying from famous Disney tunes, ballads and virtuosic pieces! It was a joy for everyone listening and playing. The week ended with the final concerts where so many family and friends came to watch in support of music and band. It was such a success that we had overflow seats and livestreamed the music in other rooms. Family and friends in the audience rotated in the live Quance theatre according to their participant's group (Junior, Intermediate, Senior). | With the amount of band camp participants we had at the Saskatoon Band Camp, the participants were split into three band groups that suited their level of playing among their peers. We had the Graeme Peters conduct the Junior band, Jennifer Switzer conduct the Intermediate band and Amanda Gourlay with the Senior band During the week participants got lots of time to meet new friends and even had a pizza night and dance! On Thursday night, we held a social night! We started with Band Camp Olympics where instrument groups faced each other, then a pizza party and ended the night with dance or board game night. |
The SBA hopes these incredible musical leaders will continue these practices in their own bands down the line!