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Bands in Regina

Band-Its & Jazz Band-Its


Rehearsals:  Tuesdays 7:00 - 8:15pm & 8:30 - 9:30pm at the Kinsmen Building - Rambler Park

The Band-Its are a Concert Band in Regina, led by Bev Brander. The group also has a Jazz Band which plays on occassion at Bushwakkers Pub. Rehearsals take place on Tuesday nights at the Kinsmen Building at Rambler Park, 7-8:15pm for the Concert Band and 8:30-9:30pm for the Jazz Band.

Both bands have very busy performance schedules so make sure to check out their Facebook Page to stay updated!

For more information, visit their Website 

Prairie Winds Adult

Community Band


Rehearsals: Mondays 6:30 - 7:50 & 8:00-9:20 at the Eagles Club

Prairie Winds Adult Community Band is a Concert Band in Regina. There are two bands: Intermediate, directed by Bev Brander and Senior, directed by Stacey Grunert. These bands have a minimum age of 18 years old. The Intermediate band rehearses 6:30-7:50 Monday evenings, and Senior band rehearses right after, from 8:00-9:20, at the Eagles Club.

To stay connected, visit their Facebook Group!

For more information, visit their Website.

Queen City Brass Band


Rehearsals: Wednesday 7-9pm at Knox Metropolitan United Church

Queen City Brass Band is a Brass Band located in Regina. Following in the British Brass Band tradition, the Queen city Brass Band features brass instruments including Cornets and Flugelhorns in addition to other traditional brass instruments and percussion.  Our sound is really unigue and resonates perfectly within the Knox Met venue! This band rehearses on Wednesdays, 7-9pm at Knox Metropolitan United Church, under the direction of Mark Preece.

To stay up to date, visit their Facebook Page!

For more information, visit their website!



The Saskatchewan Roughrider Pep Band plays at every home game and has played at every Grey Cup game since 1993. They play easily recognizable tunes and fight songs, not only for the Riders, but also for the visiting team. New members must be at least 19 years old. Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Baritone, Tuba and Percussion players are needed.

Visit their Facebook Page to see what they are up to!

To join, book a performance, or for further information, visit their Website!

Saskatchewan Roughrider Pep Band

University of Regina Ensembles


The University of Regina offers many different ensembles for many different instrument types. Below is a list of the ensembles, their rehearsal times, and conductors. Each University ensemble is open to all students, and community members.

High School Wind Ensemble - Monday 7-8:30pm, Brent Ghiglione

University Wind Ensemble - Tuesday & Thursday 5:30-6:50pm, Brent Ghiglione

University Orchestra - Tuesday 7:30-9:30pm, Adrian Casas

University Concert Band - Thursday 7:30-9:20pm, Brent Ghiglione

University Jazz Bands -  Jazz 1: Tuesday & Thursday 12:00-1:15, Dr. David Dick; Jazz 2: Wednesday 7:00-8:50pm, Chad Huel

For more information, please visit their Website!

Instrument Specific Ensembles -

Trombone: Wednesday 4:30-5:20pm, Dr. David Dick

Clarinet: Wednesday 4:30-5:20pm, Hyonsuk Kim

Percussion: Wednesday 4:00-5:15, Kory Gibbs

Saxophone: Wednesday, 3:30-4:20pm, Jennifer Tenford

Bands in Saskatoon

Saskatoon Brass Band &

Bridge City Brass Band


Rehearsals: Tuesday 7:30-9:15pm; Thursday 7:30-9:15pm; Grace Westminster United Church

The Saskatoon Brass Band is directed by Will Martin, and plays advanced Brass Band music, rehearsing on Tuesday evenings. There is another lighter demand ensemble called Bridge City Brass Band that rehearses on Thursday evenings. They often have joint concerts with both bands. Brass Bands have (most) of your standard Concert Band brass instruments, with a few more unique ones that are special to Brass Band!

For more information, visit their Website!

To stay up to date with both bands, visit their Facebook Page!

Saskatoon Community Bands INC


Rehearsals: Monday 6:30-8:00pm & 8:00-9:30pm, Holy Cross High School

Saskatoon Community Bands INC has many different ensembles for you to join. There is something for everyone, with the Beginner Band, directed by Peter England, the Concert Band or Jazz Band, under direction of Doug Gilmour, the combined Intermediate Concert Band and Beginner Jazz Band, or the Wind Ensemble, directed by Nick Fanner. There are two separate rehearsal times, both on Monday evenings: 6:30-8:00pm for Beginner Band, Jazz Band, and the Combined group; 8:00-9:30pm for the Concert Band and Wind Ensemble.

Stay connected and up to date by visiting their Facebook Page!

For more information, visit their Website.

Saskatoon Concert Band


Rehearsals: Tuesday 7:30-9:30pm; Wednesday 7:30-9:30pm; John H. Schoen Rehearsal Hall

The Saskatoon Concert band has two ensembles: the Concert Band, directed by George Charpentier, and the Auxiliary Band, directed by Nick Todd. Concert Band rehearses Wednesday evenings, and Auxillary Band on Tuesday evenings. Once known as the HMCS Unicorn Band, they have been around for over 40 years, even playing in Saskatchewan's Centennial Celebration!

To stay up to date with their performances, visit their Facebook Page!

For more information, visit their Website.

University of Saskatchewan Ensembles


The University of Saskatchewan has a number of ensembles that are open to all students and community members. Listed are the rehearsal times and their conductors.

University of Saskatchewan Symphony Orchestra

Rehearsals: Tuesday 7:00-9:30pm, Quance Theatre

The USask Symphony Orchestra is a University Ensemble open to anyone in and around the University, including Community Members! They meet once a week on Wednesday evenings in the Quance Theatre (Education Building), and are directed by Mark Tse and Shah Sadikov. They have a performance at the end of each semester, and often have a featured soloist. Anyone is welcome, and they would be especially thrilled to see some more String players!

University of Saskatchewan Concert Band

Rehearsals: Wednesday 7:00 - 9:00pm in Quance Theatre

The USask Concert Band under the direction of Dr. Mark Tse is comprised of musicians from across campus and community that includes both music and non-music majors. The ensemble performs a wide variety of artistic repertoire for this medium in various Saskatoon area and campus venues. No audition is required and open to any on-campus students or community players who play a wind or percussion instrument. Rehearsal/meeting times are Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in Quance Theatre. 

To join, or to learn more about these ensembles, visit their Website!

Bands in the South

Band City Band   

Moose Jaw 

Rehearsals:  Mondays 7:00 - 8:00pm - Hammond Building

Band City Band is a brass and reed band that plays mainly Big Band era music. They rehearse 7-8pm Monday nights in the Hammond Building. The group performs at many care homes but also have bigger performance opportunities such as Remembrance Day Ceremonies or Sidewalk days.

If you're interested in joining Band City Band or want to arrange for a performance, contact for more information.

Lumsden Community Band


Rehearsals: Thursday 6:00-8:00pm

The Lumsden Community band is open to any and all players, regardless of age, skill level, or distance. The band is directed by Miranda van Betuw and rehearses Tuesday evenings. Having been around since 1990, this band has done a lot of fun workshops and events, like playing at Lumsden's Duck Derby!

For more information, visit their Website.

To keep up to date with the happenings of the band, visit their Facebook Page!

Moose Jaw Adult Concert Band

Moose Jaw

Rehearsals: Thursday 7:00-8:30pm, Vanier Collegiate

Moose Jaw Adult Concert Band is open to any instrumentalist with experience on their band instrument. They rehearse on Thursday evenings, under direction of Daryl McKinnon and have one concert in May at the fantastic venue of the Centennial Auditorium at Peacock Collegiate.

For more information, visit their Facebook Group.

Bands in the West & North

North Battleford City Kinsmen Band

North Battleford

Rehearsals: Youth - Monday 5:00-5:45pm; Concert - Monday 7:00-9:00pm; Jazz - Tuesday 7:00-9:00pm, Kinsmen Band Hall

The North Battleford City Kinsmen Band has an ensemble for any age, playing ability and interest. They have a Concert Band, and Youth Concert Band, who rehearse on Monday evenings, and a Jazz Band that rehearses on Tuesday evenings. 

For more information, visit their Website. 

For upcoming events and updates, check out their Facebook Page.

Meadow Lake New Horizons Band

Meadow Lake

Rehearsals: Monday, 7:00-9:00pm, Carpenter High School Theatre

The Meadow Lake New Horizons Band is a very new addition to our fantastic Community Bands! This group is conducted by Band Teacher and Masters Student Ben Giesbrecht. They rehearse once weekly on Monday evenings at the Carpenter High School Theatre. Any and all adults are welcome to join - even those with no prior musical experience!

For more information, or to join, contact

Prince Albert Concert Band

Prince Albert

Rehearsals: Wednesday 7:00pm, Cavalry Church Basement

The Prince Albert Concert Band, directed by Shannon Fehr is Prince Albert's oldest cultural institution. They rehearse weekly on Wednesday evenings in the Cavalry Church basement. Anyone is welcome.

To stay up to date with the group, visit their Facebook Page or Instagram Page!

Tisdale Lions' Community Band


Rehearsals: Monday, 7:00pm, Maurice Taylor Auditorium

The Tisdale Lions Community Band is conducted by Uffe Vors. They have a Concert Band that rehearses on Monday evenings at the Maurice Taylor auditorium. Anyone is welcome to join. They have annual Christmas and Spring Concerts!

For more information about the band, visit their Website!

Warman Community Band


Rehearsals: Monday 7:00-9:00pm, 418 Central Street West

The Warman Community Band takes place in Warman, rehearsing from September to June. The ensemble is conducted by Barrie Redford. To join, you need a couple years of playing experience and a music reading ability. 

For more information about this band, visit their Website.

To stay updated on their performances, check out their Facebook Page!

Bands in the East

Yorkton Concert Community Band


Rehearsals: Tuesday 7:00-8:15pm & 8:15-9:30pm, Yorkton Regional High School

The Yorkton Concert Community Band is made up of two ensembles, both directed by Larry Pearen. There is a Concert Band that rehearses at 7:00, and All That Jazz, their Jazz Band, rehearses right after, at 8:15, both in the Yorkton Regional High School's band room. Any and all ages and experience levels are welcomed!

To learn more, visit their Website.

For announcements and events, check out their Facebook Page!

North East Community Band


North East Community Band is a great opportunity for players from the North Eastern Area of Saskatchewan. They rehearse in Melfort.

For more information, contact

Moosomin Community Band


Moosomin Community Band is a fantastic choice for players in the East looking for a place to play their instruments and meet like-minded people. They rehearse in Moosomin.

For information contact

Bayanihan Band


Rehearsals: After successfully competing in the Yorkton Music Festival, the Bayaniahn Band is currently on break.

The Bayanihan Band is a grade 6-12 Philippine Community Band! They have played very advanced repertoire, and is under the direction of Colette Karapita. They rehearse at St. Paul's School in Yorkton.  

To stay up to date or for more information, visit their Facebook page!

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