Established in 1983, the Saskatchewan Band Association is a registered charity dedicated to the development and promotion of Band music throughout the province. We are open to any individual, group or organization interested in furthering the development of bands in Saskatchewan.
The Association represents community bands, school bands, the Saskatchewan Pipe Band Association, band directors, music educators, band parent associations, students, and education institutions.
Membership in the SBA demonstrates your support of band and the value it adds to the cultural fabric of our communities. Together we present a strong, collective voice, both provincially and nationally, on issues affecting Saskatchewan bands and the Saskatchewan community.
Show your support for band, consider becoming an SBA Member today. For more information:
Are you a youth band musician and looking for a great summer job opportunity?
The SBA hires students from grades 12 and up to help with our summer projects, programs and events. Positions vary in length with some available from May - August and others for July & August only.
Email your cover letter and resume to: no later than March 30, 2025. Note: The availability, length and variety of our positions are dependent on grant funding, including Canada Summer Jobs funding.
Join us for a weekend of fun, learning and great music!
APRIL 26-27, 2025
Carlton Comprehensive, Prince Albert SK
All adult band musicians (ages 18 and older) are welcome to join us for a great weekend event. In addition to meeting new band musicians from around the province, you'll work on new music under the direction of Guest Conductor Michelle Styles and improve your technique thanks to the help of sectional clinicians. Perhaps best of all, you will share a concluding concert with the the Saskatchewan Youth Band - Junior Honour Band.
The SBA would like to thank the City of Prince Albert Destination marketing fund for their support of this event.
Looking for a great summer activity for your band student?
SBA offers 4 Band Camps each summer. Each camp, held over one week for grade 6-12 band students, provides participants with the opportunity to receive instruction from distinguished guest conductors. In addition to full band ensemble rehearsals, participants benefit from private lessons, sectionals, and small group sessions focused on their individual instruments.
Did you know... One week of band camp offers the equivalent of three months worth of school band instruction.
Beyond the academic elements, participants will enjoy time for recreational activities, including organized games and opportunities to socialize with fellow developing musicians.